Looking for transport of containers from Denmark to Africa and Middle East ?
Make contact and you will receive quickly a rate that will fulfill your transport demands.
Private shippers are wellcome.
Looking forward to hear from you,
Kim Kofod - Tel: 20320835
Stationsparken 24 is neigbour to Glostrup station:
If you come by car, park in spots without a name, there are 1,5 hour free parking, set parking time.
If you come by train to Glostrup station, go down to the tunnel, turn right and up on the backside of the station, go over the square, now you have a 3-story red-brick-building on your right side, this is the building, - go around the building turning right, then you see number 24, inside go to 2. floor, go in to "Our Office", keep left and I am at door nr 4, Combi Transport
send email, der svares snarest muligt
send email, I will answer soonest possible
09:00 - 16:00
Lukket, men send email,
der svares snarest muligt
Closed, but send email, I will answer soonest possible